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For a more complete discussion, refer to "The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette" by Arlene H. Rinaldi, Florida Atlantic University, 1998, which is available here.

Further, all users of the network at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts have a responsibility to use the network and its Internet connections in a manner that will not abuse the privilege of network access, will not annoy or harass other users and will not waste resources. E-mail is a function that requires particular care in this regard. Behavior:

  • E-mail may not be used to harass, insult, or bother other users.
  • Mail may not be posted to multiple users unless all recipients will be interested in the message.
  • Be careful not to reply to a list when you meant to reply to the original sender.
  • Do not use foul or obscene language; e-mail is not always private.
  • Do not send chain letters or other "junk mail."
  • Do not forward personal mail without the sender's permission.
  • Keep lines and messages short and to the point.
  • Cite all quotes and sources.
  • Capitalize words only for emphasis. Capitalization is "shouting" in e-mail.
  • Be careful when using humor or sarcasm. Without face-to-face communication your intention may not be recognized.
  • Use abbreviations where appropriate, such as :-) as a "smiley face" to show humor.


Check your e-mail daily. Senders assume you are receiving their messages. Delete unwanted messages immediately. Keep stored messages to a minimum to save disk space. If you receive files or are sending files be sure to virus check your system frequently.