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Laptop Minimum Hardware Requirements

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Make sure you arrive at MCLA with everything you need to get connected to the internet as easily as possible. Most laptop computers purchased within the last few years will connect to our network without any problems. However, if you are looking to purchase a laptop computer or bring one from home, you should check out our minimum system specifications.

Laptop Computers

PC Laptops
  Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications
OS Windows 10 Windows 10
Processor Intel Core i3 or equivalent Intel Core i5 or better*
Memory 4 GB 8 GB or more
Wireless Network Adapter 802.11g/n 802.11n/ac/ax
Hard Drive 80 GB hard drive space 120 GB hard drive space or larger

Apple Laptops
  Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications
OS Mac OS 13 or higher Mac OS 14
Processor Intel Core i5 Intel Core i5 or better
Memory 4 GB 8 GB or higher
Wireless Network Adapter 802.11g/n 802.11n/ac/ax
Hard Drive 80 GB hard drive space 120 GB hard drive space or larger

  • A Ethernet Cable is also recommended to allow a wired connection to the network while living on campus. Wireless will be available throughout the Academic buildings and dorms for use.

Software Requirements

  • Students should have Microsoft Office installed. Office can be downloaded free through an MCLA student account. Instructions can be found here
  • Anti Virus Software

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