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FACULTY: MIDTERM Grade Submission Instructions


  • 2. Select Enter Secure Area.

  • 3. Use your campus ID (“A” Number) and PIN to login. Only the primary instructor for a class, designated by a distinct Course Reference Number (CRN), may access class rosters and enter midterm warning grades using Banner Self-Service. All login information is case sensitive. If this does not work, please call Computer Services (413-662-5295) for assistance.

  • 4. Select Faculty and Advisors.

  • 5. Select Midterm Grades.

  • 6. Select the current term and submit.

  • 7. Select a single class section (i.e. CRN) to assign midterm grade warnings and submit. You will only be able to enter grades for gradable sections. If you cannot access one of your gradable sections, please contact the Registrar’s office (413 662-5216).

  • 8. ALL registered students will be alphabetically listed with their campus ID, enrolled credit hours and registration status. You will ONLY be able to assign midterm warnings to students who are actively registered. If you suspect that a student is missing from the roster or that a student has an incorrect registration status, please contact the Registrar’s office (413 662-5216).

  • 9. To assign a warning grade to a student for the selected term and class section, use the drop-down box in the Grade column. Although all possible grades appear, please only assign midterm warning grades of “D+,” “D,” “D-“ and “F” in accordance with the policy.

  • 10. To save your midterm warning grade assignments, select the Submit button. IMPORTANT: You should save, i.e. Submit, your midterm grades often. The Self-Service system is designed to terminate sessions that remain idle for longer than 15 minutes. Your session will be determined to be idle if you do not either Submit your grade assignments within the 15 minute limit or navigate to a new Self-Service web page. Simply entering grades on a single roster (without changing courses or submitting grades) is considered idle time.

  • 11. To continue to enter grades for other sections, select CRN Selection or Return to Previous at the bottom of the page. Repeat steps 7-10 above.

  • 12. When you have completed your grade entry, select Exit at the top of the page.

  • 13. Midterm warning grades will be immediately available to students (through the Student Self-Service component of Banner). You may return to any section but cannot change a midterm warning once it has been assigned.