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Working Remotely

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By default, MCLA’s voicemail system will send your voicemail to email and can also be reviewed in Microsoft Teams. [[ Read more here]] about changing voicemail settings.
If you need to submit your time through the State’s HRCMS, you can visit or locate the link in the Portal
As part of the MCLA community, you have the ability to store 1000GB of files in Microsoft’s cloud storage product, OneDrive. Any file in OneDrive can be shared with your team, just you, or the world. [[O365_-_OneDrive_in_Office_365|Read more]]
When working remotely, finding time to meet or schedule groups of people becomes even more complex. Let the FindTime polling tool help you organize your group's next meeting. [[FindTime|read more]]
==Getting Help==
You are not alone when you work remotely, MCLA’s HelpDesk is available to provide support during business hours and our on call staff will respond to emergency outages 7 days a week. Write, call (413) 662-5276 or click “Get Help” on the Portal page to contact us.