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Week 3 Planning: Requesting Shared Academic and Internal Conferences/Mailboxes/Calendars in Office 365 Email
Thank you for your participation with last week's administrative conference planning!

This week we focus on First Class conferences for collaborating among the members of a specific group, most (though not all) of which are within academic programs or departments.

Computer Support will re-create functions served by these First Class conferences based solely on specific requests. Since these conferences are closed environments, we may not know for sure which are active and which are dormant. If you are the head of a group using this type of conference -- an academic chair or administrative department director -- please go to to tell us about your conference and the shared calendars your department may use within them.

You may have noticed that we haven't addressed certain hybrid conferences: those used campus-wide for dissemination of information to faculty, staff and students, and those used by governance and ad hoc committees of long standing. We are already at work on these, and you can find a list of them here If you believe that we have missed one in this category, please contact the Help Desk.

Next week, we will address how you can prepare your computer for the transition to Office 365.
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