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To use any of the technology services at MCLA, you are required to have a MyMCLA MCLA User ID and password. With a MyMCLA MCLA User ID and password you have access to the following resources.
<td><li>[[Academic Computing Labs - Murdock Hall|Computer Labs]]</td>
<td><li>[[MyMCLA_Wireless_NetworkMCLA_Wireless_Network|Wireless Network/Wireless Printing]]</td>
<td><li>[[Office 365]] (MyMCLA MCLA Portal)</td>
<td><li>[[Technology Enhanced Facilities|Campus Computer Stations]]</td>
Your MyMCLA MCLA User ID and password is set up during a self service account registration process. After you have successfully gone though the registration process, your account will be activated and ready to use. It is important to acknowledge the user agreement policies during the registration process.
==<div id="manage">MyMCLA MCLA User Account Management</div>==
*[[Activate your MyMCLA MCLA Account]] - Instructions on how to activate your MyMCLA MCLA Account.*[[Reset a Lost MyMCLA MCLA Account Password]] - Instructions on what to do if you have activated your account but have forgotten your password.
*[https://sts.mcla.edu/adfs/portal/updatepassword Change Your Password] - You can use this tool to change your current MyMCLA MCLA password. '''NOTE: When entering your username, append @mcla.edu at the end of it. (Example:A10001000@mcla.edu)'''
*[https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/passwordreset/Register.aspx Change Your Self-Service Password Reset Information] - Use this tool to change information that has been recorded to help reset your MCLA password.
*[https://portal.mcla.edu/guestacct/index.php Create a 30 day account] (Expires in 30 days - Faculty/Staff only)
==FAQ about MyMCLA MCLA User Accounts==
*[[Where can I get my A number?]]
*[[How do I change my password?]]
*[[Activate your MyMCLA MCLA Account|How do I obtain a MyMCLA MCLA Account?]]*[[Where can I get my A number? | I forgot my MyMCLA MCLA ID (a100XXXXX) but remember my password. What do I do? ]]*[[What is my MyMCLA MCLA ID and password used for?]]