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Uploading a file

819 bytes added, 16:08, 27 July 2011
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*You may be typing in most of your content, but there may be occasions when you want to upload a document or file, or link to media already on the web. Maybe you want to upload a full photo album. These instructions will help you with each of these tasks.


In order to upload a file, you must begin by typing a word that the file can link to. In this case, type in Here is a copy of my resume. Then you can click on the Insert File button.


*Browse your local computer for the file, just like you would browse if you were searching for a photo to upload to Facebook. When you are done, click Insert. <b>We strongly recommend you only upload .pdf files, not Word files.</b> Not sure how to save your document as .pdf? See the instructions at the end of this document.
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