Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that enables MCLA faculty to create and manage web-based learning and post course materials electronically. The Academic Technology department works with faculty members to effectively use this tool in their courses. Canvas's parent company Instructure has created in-depth tutorial for how to use Canvas from the perspective of both a student and a faculty member.
Supported Browsers
Canvas supports most major web browsers available to users at the present time. The exact specifications and browsers that Canvas currently supports can be found on their website Here.
User Tutorials
There are two major tutorials available to users on the Canvas website, one tutorial for students and one for faculty. The student tutorial covers common topics such as how to complete assignments, how to participate in class discussions, and how to check your grades. The faculty tutorial covers common topics such as how to structure a class, how to take attendance, and how to import class material among other topics. These two tutorials can be found at the links below, along with a link to guides for using the student and instructor Canvas mobile apps: