Faculty and Staff - Getting Started
[hide]Step 1 - Activate Your MCLA Account
Employees will need their 'A' numbers to start the account creation process. This 'A' number is also known as the Banner ID number which can be obtained from the Human Resources office. Phone: (413) 662-5596. Once this is obtained you can use this number to follow these steps for setup:
- 1. Go to http://techhelp.mcla.edu/banner
- 2. Enter your ID in the "MCLA ID (A#):" field (Ensure you include the A)
- 3. Enter your birth date (MMDDYY format) in the "PIN" (If the DOB does not work, please call our administrative systems department at 413-662-5295)
- 4. You will then be asked to set a new PIN of your choice.
- 5. Once your PIN has been setup, you will be logged in to the main menu.
- 6. Click the 'Claim Your MCLA Account' link.
- 7. Follow the account claim procedure, setting a password at the end which should be a combination of numbers as well as letters.
- 8. Confirm activation is complete by logging into http://portal.mcla.edu with your newly setup MCLA account then open your MCLA email.
You do not have to be on campus to activate your account. The MCLA ID and password is used for authentication purposes for services such as campus computer access, wireless network access and MCLA email. Get familiar with the user policies that you must agree upon during this MCLA account activation. You can refer back to them on our policy page.
Step 2 - Set up Phone and Voice Mail
MCLA uses Microsoft Teams as its phone system. Please refer to the Microsoft Teams Telephony site which provides instruction on how to sign into your desk phone, use Microsoft Teams to make and receive calls, and setup your voicemail greeting .
Step 3 - Set up Your Computer
- Computer Purchasing - Any new computer or computer related purchases for your department must go through Computer Support Services. Computer Support Services can be contacted by phone at (413)-662-5510.
- Computer Installs - Computer hardware or software installs are coordinated through the MCLA Computer HelpDesk. Please contact the HelpDesk at (413)-662-5276 for any requests.
- Setup connection to the BlazerNet Wireless Network– The wireless network is available in various buildings on campus. For instructions on how to configure your laptop to access the BlazerNet wireless network see the network section here.
Step 4 - Getting Familiar with Technology
Many answers to frequently asked questions about the computer resources available at MCLA can be found on on this site. The following is a brief list of the technology services available to you as an MCLA employee.
- MCLA Portal (Office 365) - MCLA has a single-sign on portal site that is integrated with Office 365. It is the gateway to email, calendaring, announcements and discussion areas. To access Office 365 you must go through the account activation found on step one. The website to the portal is: https://portal.mcla.edu
- Banner (Faculty Only) – Banner allows access to the student record system through the web. This includes access to class rosters and also includes the ability to e-mail your whole class.
- Canvas (Faculty Only) – Canvas is an online course area available to faculty members. Course areas are set up by faculty request at the start of the semester. This request will also enroll students who have registered for the course. This is possible only if you have had Canvas training through the Academic Technology center, or if you've had prior experience with Canvas.
- Classroom Technology – To become familiar with classroom technology please visit the Technology Enhanced Facilities section.
Step 5 - Using Technology in your Course (Faculty Only)
The MCLA Academic Technology Center is a resource to provide faculty development, consultation, and collaborative partnerships to support the use of technology in teaching and research initiatives at MCLA. Faculty members are encouraged to meet with the Academic Technology department. The Academic Technology department is located in Murdock Hall, second floor. They can also be reached by phone at 413-662-5506.